The necessity to conduct intensive campaigns to extend “fair and non-discriminatory” healthcare to people from lower socio-economic backgrounds and social rehabilitation of persons cured of leprosy was highlighted by speakers at a meeting here on Tuesday... Read More
The COVID 19 outbreak has placed unprecedented demands on our health system. Given this, post lockdown, the Hubli Hospital for Handicaped (HHH) made proper guidelines for maintaining a safe environment and containment of the further spread of COVID-19. However, several challenges rose in regards to logistic support, that affected care for RCS and other Ulcer patients. It could not break the spirits of HHH staff, who proactively initiated the treatment of patients via different social media channels in association with their respective District Leprosy Officer (DLO) and Medical Officer (MO).
HHH completed three RCS post-operative physiotherapy treatment and seven ulcer care treatment through online video calling apps. It also arranged self-care kits and splints in coordination with Dharwad District Leprosy Officer for 100.
The services are still in continuation for patients stuck in other states/districts due to lockdown. Closest transportation mode or the nearing Public Health Centres are strengthened by HHH to dispense Multi Drug Treatment drugs, self-care kits, and other essential antibiotics based on the need to ensure uninterrupted treatment.
Patients receiving counselling post treatments.
RISDT noticed the requirements of Crutches, Self-Care Kits, Splinters, etc., for the supply to Leprosy patients by the District Health Authorities of East Godavari District. Acting immediately, Chairman – RISDT approached the Government Authorities and understood the requirement, assuring them the supply quality materials.
Later as per the understanding, 50 crutches, 753 self-care kits, 125 Nos each gutter splints, four-finger loops, opponents loops, and 50 each of adductor band, foot drop belt, malleoli pad, and lumbrical pads were supplied with an intension to serve the leprosy community better.
Beneficiaries could be seen cherishing with happiness.
ESRLP, along with the government NLEP Departments, has been conducting Disability Prevention and Medical Rehabilitation (DPMR) camps in the district of Anantapur. These camps enable the patients with any form of deformity caused by leprosy to meet the doctors and physiotherapists for an evaluation of their physical condition to ascertain if a surgical intervention could help restore usefulness to their limbs.
In March 2020, such camps were accommodated in various towns across the district on multiple days. In total, close to 65 patients were evaluated over a week. Fifteen patients who were eligible for surgery were provided referral letters by the Government NLEP staff, which would enable them to claim reimbursement from the government as compensation for loss of income incurred during the treatment days and visit the hospital for free surgical intervention and treatment.
Field Physiotherapist Mr. Basha with Anantapur District Leprosy officer